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Character: 'James'
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Title: Rumble Fish - 1982 - Folded
Year: 1983
Type: Poster
Condition: Near Mint
Size: 1 Sheet (27 x 41)
Description: "RUSTY JAMES CAN'T LIVE UP TO HIS BROTHER'S REPUTATION. HIS BROTHER CAN'T LIVE IT DOWN." This poster is the US Final Style. It is an original 1-sheet that measures approx. 27 x 41 inches in size. It is folded (as were most posters prior to 1986) and is in near mint condition. It is 1-sided has been stored in a dry, smoke-free home. It has the NSS number of 820128 in the lower right-hand corner. Artwork on poster by JOHN SOLIE. Nice item for fans of FRANCIS FORD COPPOLA movies and MATT DILLON collectors!
Only 1 in stock!


Title: Arachnophobia - 1990 - Regular Style
Year: 1990
Type: Poster
Condition: Near Mint
Size: 1-Sheet (27 x 40)
Description: "EIGHT LEGS, TWO FANGS AND AN ATTITUDE." This is the US Regular style movie poster. It is an original 1-sheet that measures approx. 27 x 40 inches in size. It is rolled, 2-sided and in near mint condition. It has been stored in a dry, smoke-free home. This is not a reprint or video poster - but an authentic movie poster. Nice item for HORROR fans!
Only 1 in stock!


Title: King And Country - 1966 - Press Book
Year: 1966
Type: Press Book
Condition: Near Mint
Size: 11 x 15
Description: "GO AHEAD... KILL HIM -- YOU'RE THE ONLY FRIEND HE HAS!" This is an original US press book from the 1966 crime war thriller movie - "KING AND COUNTRY" - starring DIRK BOGARDE. The press book measures 11 x 15 inches and is complete and uncut. It is in NM condition. It has 6 pages of cast and credit information, story synopsis, some pictures, ad mats and on the back page it shows newspaper reviews. I have scanned all 6 pages of the Pressbook so you can see what they look like. The press book has never been folded. It has been kept in a dry, smoke-free home. Nice item for fans of DIRK BOGARDE.
Only 1 in stock!


Title: Fresh - 1994 - US Style
Year: 1994
Type: Poster
Condition: Near Mint
Size: 1-Sheet (27 x 40)
Description: "IN A WORLD WHERE CRIMINALS MAKE THE RULES, ONE KID IS OUT TO BEAT THEM AT THEIR OWN GAME." This is the US Regular Style poster and has a different tag line than the International poster. This poster also has the ratings box on it. This is an original 1-Sheet and it measures approx. 27 x 40 inches in size. The poster is rolled and in near mint condition. It is 1-sided and has been stored in a dry, smoke-free home. Great item for SAMUEL L. JACKSON fans and collectors!
Only 1 in stock!


Title: Avatar - R2022 - Imax Style
Year: 2022
Type: Poster
Condition: Near Mint
Size: 1-Sheet (27 x 40)
Description: "THE IMAX 3D EXPERIENCE!" This poster is from the 2022 re-release of the original "AVATAR". 20th Century Studios decided to bring the original back to the theaters for a special 2 week limited engagement. The sole purpose of doing this was to create some buzz and hype the public for the release of "AVATAR 2: THE WAY OF THE WATER" which would be released later in 2022. They created a new IMAX style poster for the special 2-week re-release and this is THAT poster. It is an original 1-Sheet that measures approx. 27 x 40 inches in size. It is rolled and in near mint to mint condition. It is 2-sided, unused and has been stored in a dry, smoke-free home. Absolute gorgeous poster and a fantastic item for "AVATAR" fans and collectors!
Only 1 in stock!


Title: Die Another Day - 2002 - Advance Of Rosamund Pike ('Miranda Frost')
Year: 2002
Type: Poster
Condition: Near Mint
Size: 1-Sheet (27 x 40)
Description: "BOND . . . JAMES BOND." This poster is the US Advance Character poster of ROSAMUND PIKE who played "Miranda Frost" in the 2002 James Bond film - "DIE ANOTHER DAY". It is an original 1-Sheet movie poster that measures approx. 27 x 40 inches in size. It is rolled, 1-sided and in NM condition. It has been stored in a dry, smoke-free home. Great poster for "JAMES BOND" fans!
Only 2 in stock!


Title: Star is Born - 2018 - Advance Style
Year: 2018
Type: Poster
Condition: Near Mint
Size: 1-Sheet (27 x 40)
Description: "A MUSICIAN HELPS A YOUNG SINGER FIND FAME, EVEN AS AGE AND ALCOHOLISM SEND HIS OWN CAREER INTO A DOWNWARD SPIRAL." This is the US Advance Style poster. It is a 1-Sheet and it measures approx. 27 x 40 inches in size. The poster is rolled and in Near Mint, unused condition. It is 2-Sided and has been stored in a dry, smoke-free home. Great item for LADY GAGA or BRADLEY COOPER fans and collectors! Nominated for 8 Academy Awards!!!
Only 1 in stock!


Title: Million Ways To Die In The West - 2014 - Advance Style B
Year: 2014
Type: Poster
Condition: Near Mint
Size: 1-Sheet (27 x 40)
Description: "BRING PROTECTION." This is US Advance Style "B" movie poster from the 2014 comedy western film - "MILLION WAYS TO DIE IN THE WEST". This is an original 1-Sheet that measures approx. 27 x 40 inches in size. It is rolled, 2-sided and in NM condition. It has been stored in a dry, smoke-free home. THIS IS NOT A CHEAP REPRINT BUT A BEAUTIFUL ORIGINAL THEATRICAL RELEASE MOVIE POSTER. Great item for CHARLIZE THERON and SETH MACFARLANE fans and collectors!
Only 1 in stock!


Title: Million Ways To Die In The West - 2014 - Advance Style A
Year: 2014
Type: Poster
Condition: Near Mint
Size: 1-Sheet (27 x 40)
Description: "FROM THE GUY THAT BROUGHT YOU 'TED'." This is US Advance Style "A" movie poster from the 2014 comedy western film - "MILLION WAYS TO DIE IN THE WEST". This is an original 1-Sheet that measures approx. 27 x 40 inches in size. It is rolled, 2-sided and in NM condition. It has been stored in a dry, smoke-free home. THIS IS NOT A CHEAP REPRINT BUT A BEAUTIFUL ORIGINAL THEATRICAL RELEASE MOVIE POSTER. Great item for CHARLIZE THERON and SETH MACFARLANE fans and collectors!
Only 1 in stock!


Title: Million Ways To Die In The West - 2014 - British Quad - Advance Style Of Charlize Theron
Year: 2014
Type: Poster
Condition: Near Mint
Size: British Quad (40 x 30)
Description: "FROM THE GUY THAT BROUGHT YOU 'TED'." Nice poster here! This is an original British Quad movie poster from the 2014 comedy western film - "MILLION WAYS TO DIE IN THE WEST". This is the rare Advance Style of CHARLIZE THERON!! The poster measures approx. 40 x 30 inches in size. It is rolled, 2-sided and in NM condition. It has been stored in a dry, smoke-free home. THIS IS NOT A CHEAP REPRINT BUT A BEAUTIFUL ORIGINAL THEATRICAL RELEASE MOVIE POSTER. Great item for CHARLIZE THERON fans and collectors!
Only 1 in stock!


Title: Star Trek 13 - Beyond - 2016 - British Quad
Year: 2016
Type: Poster
Condition: Very Good
Size: British Quad (40 x 30)
Description: "BEYOND." This is an original British Quad movie poster from the 2016 sci-fi adventure film - "STAR TREK 13: BEYOND" - starring John Cho, Simon Pegg and Chris Pine. This poster measures approx. 40 x 30 inches in size. It is rolled, 2-sided and in VG to NM condition. No major damage - just a border ding here and there from handling. It has been stored in a dry, smoke-free home. THIS IS NOT A CHEAP REPRINT BUT A BEAUTIFUL ORIGINAL THEATRICAL RELEASE MOVIE POSTER. Great item for "STAR TREK" fans and collectors!
Only 1 in stock!


Title: Midway - 2019 - British Quad
Year: 2019
Type: Poster
Condition: Near Mint
Size: British Quad (40 x 30)
Description: "ONE BATTLE TURNED THE TIDE OF WAR." This is an original British Quad movie poster from the 2019 WWII military action melodrama film - "MIDWAY" - starring Patrick Wilson, Luke Evans and Aaron Eckhart. This GORGEOUS poster measures approx. 40 x 30 inches in size. It is rolled, 2-sided and in NM condition. It has been stored in a dry, smoke-free home. THIS IS NOT A CHEAP REPRINT BUT A BEAUTIFUL ORIGINAL THEATRICAL RELEASE MOVIE POSTER. Great item for fans of war films.
Only 1 in stock!


Title: Wedding Crashers - 2005 - British Quad
Year: 2005
Type: Poster
Condition: Very Good
Size: British Quad (40 x 30)
Description: "LIFE'S A PARTY. CRASH IT." This is an original British Quad movie poster from the 2005 hilarious wedding comedy film - "WEDDING CRASHERS" - starring Owen Wilson, Vince Vaughn and Christopher Walken. The poster measures approx. 40 x 30 inches in size. It is rolled, 1-sided and in VG to mostly NM condition. Just a border nick here and there but overall in great shape. It has been stored in a dry, smoke-free home. THIS IS NOT A CHEAP REPRINT BUT A BEAUTIFUL ORIGINAL THEATRICAL RELEASE MOVIE POSTER. Great item for "WEDDING CRASHERS" fans and collectors!
Only 1 in stock!


Title: Harry Potter 3 - Prisoner of Azkaban - 20th Anniversary Poster - British Quad
Year: 2024
Type: Poster
Condition: Near Mint
Size: British Quad (40 x 30)
Description: "SOMETHING WICKED THIS WAY COMES." This poster is an original British Quad Movie Poster from the 20 Year Anniversary release of "HARRY POTTER AND THE PRISONER OF AZKABAN". When "THE PRISONER OF AZKABAN" film turned 20 years old in 2024, Warner Bros. Pictures re-released it back in the theaters in a limited release and created an entirely new marketing campaign for it. This is the British Quad movie poster they designed for that special occasion. It is an original BQ and it measures approx. 40 x 30 inches in size. The poster is rolled and in Near Mint condition. It is 2-sided and has been stored in a dry, smoke-free home. Great item for "HARRY POTTER" fans!
Only 1 in stock!


Title: Harry Potter 2 - Chamber of Secrets - 20th Anniversary Poster - British Quad
Year: 2022
Type: Poster
Condition: Near Mint
Size: British Quad (40 x 30)
Description: "SOMETHING EVIL HAS RETURNED TO HOGWARTS." This poster is an original British Quad Movie Poster from the 20 Year Anniversary release of "HARRY POTTER AND THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS". When "THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS" film turned 20 years old in 2022, Warner Bros. Pictures re-released it back in the theaters in a limited release and created an entirely new marketing campaign for it. This is the British Quad movie poster they designed for that special occasion. It is an original BQ and it measures approx. 40 x 30 inches in size. The poster is rolled and in mostly Near Mint condition. Couple border dings here and there but they would never be seen if framed. It is 2-sided and has been stored in a dry, smoke-free home. Great item for "HARRY POTTER" fans!-
Only 1 in stock!


Title: Octopussy - 1983 - Advance Style - James Bond
Year: 1983
Type: Poster
Condition: Very Good
Size: 1 Sheet (27 x 41)
Description: "NOBODY DOES IT BETTER . . . THIRTEEN TIMES!" JAMES BOND FANS CHECK THIS OUT: This poster is the rare US Advance Style. It is an original 1-Sheet that measures approx. 27 x 41 inches in size. It is folded (as are most posters prior to 1986) and in VG to mostly Near Mint condition. One tiny border tear on the top right and has been repaired on the reverse side with a sliver of paper tape. It is 1-sided and has been stored in a dry, smoke-free home. Great poster for JAMES BOND collectors!
Only 1 in stock!


Title: Sopranos - 2001 - Counseling
Year: 2001
Type: Poster
Condition: Near Mint
Size: 34.5 x 22.5
Description: "AMERICA'S MOST WATCHED FAMILY." This poster is from Season 3. It is a licensed commercial poster intended to be sold directly to the public. It is rolled and in near mint condition. It measures 34.5 x 22.5 inches in size. It is 1-sided, unused and has been stored in a dry, smoke-free home. PLEASE NOTE: THIS POSTER IS A HIGH QUALITY COMMERCIAL POSTER THAT WAS DESIGNED AND DISTRIBUTED BY SCORPIO POSTERS. Great item for "SOPRANOS" fans and collectors.
Only 2 in stock!


Title: Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2 - 2012 - Advance C - Robert Pattinson
Year: 2012
Type: Poster
Condition: Near Mint
Size: 1-Sheet (27 x 40)
Description: "FOREVER." This poster is the US Advance Style "C". It features a great shot of ROBERT PATTINSON who plays 'Edward'. It is rolled and in near mint condition. It is a 1-Sheet that measures approx. 27 x 40. It is 2-sided, unused and has been stored in a dry, smoke-free home. NOT A CHEAP REPRINT BUT A BEAUTIFUL ORIGINAL THEATRICAL RELEASE POSTER. Great item for "TWILIGHT" fans and collectors!
Only 1 in stock!


Title: Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2 - 2012 - Advance B - Taylor Lautner
Year: 2012
Type: Poster
Condition: Near Mint
Size: 1-Sheet (27 x 40)
Description: "FOREVER." This poster is the US Advance Style "B". It features a great shot of TAYLOR LAUTNER who plays 'Jacob'. It is rolled and in near mint condition. It is a 1-Sheet that measures approx. 27 x 40. It is 2-sided, unused and has been stored in a dry, smoke-free home. NOT A CHEAP REPRINT BUT A BEAUTIFUL ORIGINAL THEATRICAL RELEASE POSTER. Great item for "TWILIGHT" fans and collectors!
Only 1 in stock!


Title: Greatest Showman - 2017 - Advance Style
Year: 2017
Type: Poster
Condition: Near Mint
Size: 1-Sheet (27 x 40)
Description: "THE IMPOSSIBLE COMES TRUE." This poster is the Advance Style and it measures approx. 27 x 40 inches in size. It is rolled and in near mint condition. It is an original poster, 2-sided and has been stored in a dry, smoke-free home. It has never been used. This is not a cheap reprint or video poster - BUT AN AUTHENTIC STUDIO ISSUED MOVIE POSTER. Great item for "GREATEST SHOWMAN" fans and collectors!
Only 1 in stock!


Title: Say Anything - 1989
Year: 1989
Type: Poster
Condition: Near Mint
Size: 1 Sheet (27 x 41)
Description: "TO KNOW LLOYD DOBLER IS TO LOVE HIM. DIANE COURT IS ABOUT TO GET TO KNOW LLOYD DOBLER." This is the US Regular Style poster. It is an original 1-Sheet and it measures approx. 27 x 41 inches in size. The poster is rolled and in near mint condition. It is 1-Sided and has been stored in a dry, smoke-free home. Great item for JOHN CUSACK and/or "SAY ANYTHING" fans and collectors!
Only 2 in stock!


Title: Once Upon A Time In Hollywood - British Quad - Advance Style Of Pitt & DiCaprio
Year: 2019
Type: Poster
Condition: Very Good
Size: British Quad (40 x 30)
Description: "THE 9TH FILM FROM QUENTIN TARANTINO." This is an original British Quad Advance poster from the QUENTIN TARANTINO film - "ONCE UPON A TIME IN HOLLYWOOD" - starring LEONARDO DICAPRIO, BRAD PITT and MARGOT ROBBIE. This is the advance style of BRAD PITT and LEONARDO DICAPRIO. This particular poster measures approx. 40x30 inches in size. It is rolled, 2-sided and in very good condition. There are some border dings and a couple minor tears that have been repaired on the back side with paper tape. I have taken some close up pictures of some of the damage and I have discounted it accordingly. PLEASE SEE PHOTOS!! Great item for QUENTIN TARANTINO and/or MARGOT ROBBIE collectors.
Only 1 in stock!


Title: Up In Smoke - 1978 - 5 Photos
Year: 1978
Type: Photos / Stills
Condition: Near Mint
Size: 8 x 10
Description: "THE MOVIE THAT'LL HAVE YOU ROLLING IN THE AISLES." Here are 5 original glossy photos from the 1978 marijuana screwball comedy film - "UP IN SMOKE" - starring CHEECH and CHONG! These 5 stills are in NM condition. 4 are studio stills with title and Paramount Picture tags and one only has the production code on the front. There are no rips, tears or holes. The stills measure approx. 8x10 inches in size but some are slightly smaller having been trimmed by the studio and sent to the theaters that way. They have been stored in a dry, smoke-free home.
Only 1 in stock!


Title: Man With The Golden Gun - 1974 - Mini Lobby Card #4
Year: 1974
Type: Lobby Card
Condition: Very Good
Size: 8 x 10
Description: "THE WORLD'S GREATEST VILLAINS TRIED TO KILL JAMES BOND. NOW IT'S SCARAMANGA'S TURN TO TRY"." This is an original Mini Lobby Card from the 1974 James Bond classic film - "THE MAN WITH THE GOLDEN GUN" - starring ROGER MOORE as "007". This is card #4 from a set of eight. It has the National Screen Service number of 74/251 in the lower right-hand corner. The card is in VG to near mint condition: there are no tears or holes; just a little wear from handling over the years. It has been kept in a dry, smoke-free home. Nice item for JAMES BOND collectors!!
Only 1 in stock!


Title: Harry Potter 5 - Order Of The Phoenix - 2007 - Imax Style
Year: 2007
Type: Poster
Condition: Near Mint
Size: 1-Sheet (27 x 40)
Description: "EXPERIENCE THE MOVIE'S EXPLOSIVE FINALE IN IMAX 3D!" This is the rare US IMAX Style poster. It is an original 1-Sheet. It is rolled, 2-sided and it measures approx. 27 x 40 inches in size. It is in Near Mint condition and has been stored in a dry, smoke-free home. Great collectible for HARRY POTTER fans!
Only 1 in stock!


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